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Batted, fiberglass insulation is typically fire-resistant.

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Question: Batted, fiberglass insulation is typically fire-resistant.
Top Answer (66% of 15 votes): True.

Answer: True
Explanation: Fiberglass batts are generally fire resistant, however if the fiberglass batt has a paper backing this can burn.
Island Insulation
Answer: True
Explanation: Fiberglass insulation is made of glass combined with plastic polymers and is naturally fire-resistant. However, you need to be careful with batts that are backed with foil or paper as these materials can burn quickly.
Spraytight Inc
Answer: False
Explanation: We use cellulose; a fire retardant material
jc homecare center corp
Answer: True
Explanation: Can be fire resistant in a lot of different products
Saunders Insulation
Answer: True
Explanation: Unfaced batt insulation is fire resistant. Faced batts with Kraft paper facing can be considered flammable.
ACE Drywall & Acoustical LLC
Answer: False
Explanation: Some FiberGlass is Fire Rated Some types Are Not!
All Seasons Insulation INC.
Answer: True
Explanation: Fiberglass is fire-resistant
TLS Energy Savers
Answer: False
Explanation: Not all batted insulation is fire proof, but the insulation we use are all fire proof rated.
The Wildlife Specialist LLC
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