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What is the most environmentally friendly type of home insulation?

Spray foam insulation
Mineral wool insulation
Blown-in fiberglass insulation
Blown-in cellulose insulation
Radiant barrier or reflective insulation
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Question: What is the most environmentally friendly type of home insulation?
Top Answer (44% of 18 votes): Blown-in cellulose insulation.

Answer: Blown-in cellulose insulation
Explanation: Cellulose not only takes less energy to produce, it outperforms fiberglass in every way. Cellulose is a green material, made of recycled wood & paper products, treated for fire resistance with borate instead of a slew of chemicals.
Harper’s Insulation
Answer: Spray foam insulation
Explanation: Spray foam is going to be your most energy efficient. It's also going to stay in place and performing the way it should. Some other traditional insulation are going to loose r value over time and nee to be replaced or topped off (added to).
Poly Energy
Answer: Spray foam insulation
Explanation: It stops air leakage, reduces noise and blocks dust, pollen and other airborne pollutant
Master Foam
Answer: Blown-in cellulose insulation
Explanation: Cellulose insulation is manufactured from recycled paper, and has the lowest embodied energy (i.e. the amount of energy used to manufacture the insulation).
Progressive Energy Services
Answer: Radiant barrier or reflective insulation
Explanation: Radiant barrier is aluminum and fiberglass matting.
TLS Energy Savers
Answer: Mineral wool insulation
Explanation: The denim batted attic insulation is by far the best stuff on the market.
The Wildlife Specialist LLC
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