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Spray foam insulation is the most effective type of insulation for stopping air leaks.

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Question: Spray foam insulation is the most effective type of insulation for stopping air leaks.
Top Answer (88% of 9 votes): True.

Answer: True
Explanation: Spray foam it a "stay in place insulation" . You don't have to worry about wind blowing it around or a squirrel running off with it to build a nest . If applied correctly it's there for good. Open cell is considered an air barrier which allows you to keep your good air (condition air ) in and the bad air (and dust and pollen ) out. Closed cell is not only an air barrier but also a vapor barrier and is non susceptible to moisture.
Poly Energy
Answer: True
Explanation: It stops air flow into and out of your home, reduces noise, and blocks dust, pollen and other airborne pollutants for a more comfortable environment.
Master Foam
Answer: True
Explanation: It stops air inflation almost completely
Saunders Insulation
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